LeAnn • Blessed wife and mama 🤍

Two days shy of being 37 weeks with my second baby girl. As much as I love being pregnant, at this point I’m so beyond over it. I’m not near as patient this time around. I’m way too anxious to meet her and I’m about desperate to go into labor! Had to be induced with my first so praying and crossing my fingers I can go on my own with this one, like now! I’m about to the point of trying anything. Who else is with me?! 😂

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Literally laying here thinking the same thing!! I’m so uncomfortable, I just want her to be born already 😩


LeAnn • Aug 9, 2019
Me too girl! After my 36 week appointment I started having really really bad pelvic pain and what felt like contractions, so I had myself convinced I was actually gonna go into labor. Now nothing much but some pelvic pressure every now and then so I’m discouraged again. 🙄