At 40+6 she is finally here!



After a fast and furious drug free labor, she is here! Unfortunately the cord was wrapped around her neck so the OB had to use forceps to help get her out quickly so I experienced a 4th degree tear. It will be a long recovery but I am so happy to introduce my rainbow baby! Audrey Ryan🌈

Thank you everyone for the support throughout this pregnancy and I am sending so much love to everyone currently post partum or waiting for their baby to arrive! I know those last few weeks are awful, but once they’re here, it’s all worth it!❤️

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Posted at
Make sure they teach you sitz baths, take all the stool softeners, stay on top of your pain meds, and my biggest tip is when you go to sitdown anywhere (especially the toilet) clench your butt cheeks on the way down then relax once sat, it helps not pull at the stitches as much. When you go to have your first bowel movement take a bunch of toilet paper folded up and apply counter pressure where the stitches are, it helps a ton!


Posted at
Congratulations! She's beautiful just like her mama!


Posted at
You’re so strong mama! Congrats! 🤗