Help me get my confidence back


Hello, ladies.

A long time ago I had zero confidence. I wallowed in self-pity and self worthlessness for years.

One day, through the encouragement of some very, very good friends, I decided that I had had enough, and I was going to fake it until I made it. It took some time, but eventually the confidence manifested itself in me, and I became happy and unstoppable. Honestly I was as close to becoming a real life Samantha Jones as you can get while still being a virgin LOL.

I developed an interest in fashion, make up, and skin care, and I took really good care of myself. About then I met my husband. He is an incredible man. He's never said anything that shook my confidence. Oddly though, since I've gotten married, I've let myself go. I'm wearing baggier clothes, my hair is unmanageable, my skin is broken out and inflamed, and I have gained a lot of weight.

Now, I can't do much about the weight gain right now because I am pregnant, and I've made my peace with the fact that my body may become healthy again, but it may not look the same as it used to. But I would like to work on the rest of me and stop looking like someone who just rolled out of bed.

I know how to do it, I guess getting up the courage to do it as well as wanting to take the time to do it is hard for me. I also feel like lately when I do take time to make myself look pretty, someone says something about my look that discourages me. I am also dealing with severe chemical depression, and while I think looking better would help, the effort it takes to get there sometimes just feels monumental. Anybody else out there feel where I'm coming from?

So I guess what I'm asking is, what are some little things I can do every day to make myself look a little better? Honestly I would love a virtual makeover. Help me get my Glowup on. Go crazy.