37+5 4th baby aaaaaand ..... over it


I am huge

The baby was measuring 7lb6oz @ 36 week scan

I can barely walk to the point i need help getting upstairs thanks to spd

I slipped backwards into the bath when trying to get out this morning because im so flipping huge

My stomach keeps tightening and its uncomfortable but not a proper contraction i don't think🤷‍♀️

Pains in my lower back and foofy area like lightening bolts 🙄

You'd think i would know what all this means by now but i really don't ive only ever been induced at 37 weeks with my other 3 thanks to obstetric choleistasis

But at 37 weeks with all 3 of them they weighed 8lb4, 8lb and 9lb8!

So after pleading with the docs to listen to me and trying desperately to get someone to actually take me seriously they have agreed to induce me 5 days before due date on the 20th of August.. ..

But whoop de do

Thats still 10 days away and she was heading towards 8lb 10 days ago

😭😭😭 did i mention im huuuuuge

I've had enough now! Time to come out baby!

Rant. Over. Needed to let it all out because all i keep getting is...

Its only 10 more days

You'll be fine

Thats pregnancy for you

Its your hormones

Everyone feels like this

Oh God the size of that bump

The baby is fine thats all that matters (after constant monitoring due to RFM)

Deary me literally roll on 20th August

If not 🙏🙏🙏 God put me into labour tonight 😂