Can i be pregnant? 😖

Mafalda • Baby girl born on May 27th 👶🏻 💍 🦄

Soooo... i start taking my old birthcontrol (no longer brestfeendig) but after 7/8 days my acne was so much worse that i change for another birthcontrol. I read online that its safe, to change the pills in the midlle of the cycle but now...

i am with so many nausea since yesterday!! Its horrible!

I also have some cramps and my vivid dreams returns! And i am so sleepy and tired and hungry all de time!

I just hope that this is just another thing because i went trought a c-sectio 11 weeks ago, so i cant get pregnat so soon 😞

In 2 days i finish the birthcontrol. Just hope AF shows!

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