Am i okay??

So for the past 4 weeks ive been feeding my baby for 40 minutes to an hr every nursing session. He falls asleep constantly no matter what i do to keep him awake. And if i lay him down thinking hes done (after average 40 mimutes) hell wake up 5 mins later wanting to nursw ive tried soothing him 100 differnt ways but in the end hes always hungry so i pumped for the past two days and come 1 oclock (he would not nap) i gave him the 1st bottle of milk 3oz i burped him and whem he was done hw was still screaming so i gave him the other bottle to see if maybe he wanted 1 more oz but he ate all 2 and a half.. So while he slept after that i pumped 2 more oz he woke up atw them and passes out hard. Will not wake up when typically its so hard to get him down.. So am i okay to try to exclusively pump amd bottle feed my baby he seema so happy amd satisfied now its like a new baby