I'm so confused


Hey guys, I don't know if anyone will have an idea of what is going on but I am beyond confused. I'm on the patch birth control but this month I noticed all the normal signs that I ovulated around the 26-27th which shouldn't happen but I didn't think too hard about it. I was getting nervous when I started to get dizzy, nauseous, couldn't keep any food down without dry heaving for hours, headaches, sore boobs, and light cramping. I thought I was getting a bug or something. Then to our relief I started what I think is my period (13 dpo if I ovulated) yesterday being the off week from the patch but it's been weirdly lighter than it should be. For the heck of it I took an opk since I shouldn't be surging or ovulating on the patch and I don't think it is positive but it's oddly dark for it not being a "period" technically..

Does anyone have a clue what is going on cause I'm so anxious that the patch didn't work properly.