

We've been trying since March, our treatment plan is <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>.

Everything that could've gone wrong, has. When I had my HSG the discovered polyps in my uterus. That was followed up by an SIS to confirm polyps. 2 weeks later I had a polypectomy, hysteroscopy, and myosure.

After we got that out of the way, we started trying to get me to ovulate. I have PCOS so it hasn't been easy.

I tried the first month, 10 days on progesterone to start my period, then 5 days on 100mg clomid, and nothing.

Month two was 10 days of progesterone followed by 5 days on 150mg of clomid and nothing, so without having another period. We jumped back in with 200mg of clomid and my follicles actually started to grow, but before they were big enough my estrodol levels dropped and my progesterone levels never went up, so we just lost this cycle. I'm starting another cycle beginning with 10 days of progesterone starting tomorrow.

It's just so disappointing. Every time we get a little bit closer and then the let down is even bigger. The hormones are horrible and exhausting and the hot flashes are REAL. I think after this round, I need a break.