Questions to ask the RE after failed IUI...

Elizabeth • TTC #1 and it`s been 3 yrs. I`m 30 and my husband is 37
We have another meeting tomorrow with our RE after our 4th failed <a href="">IUI</a> attempt. I know he is going to push <a href="">IVF</a>. We've been trying for 3 yrs and spent the last year doing IUIs. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility and I take Femera, Follistim, Trigger Shot and progesterone each cycle. What else can I ask this doctor when we meet tomorrow? We aren't interested in <a href="">IVF</a> at this juncture. I really want to know why haven't gotten pregnant yet and he won't know the answer. So I'm looking for ideas of other things to ask..any ideas?