Threatened Miscarriage the same day as my miscarriage in April


Hi all,

I wanted to share this story about medical issue I am having to see if anyone else has dealt with this.

My last pregnancy was a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks but baby died at 9w1d. We did testing and baby had turners syndrome.

I got pregnant again on my first try and had my first ultrasound for this baby last Thursday, at 9 weeks. I have been super nauseous with this pregnancy but baby was doing fine- has a strong heartbeat and measuring properly. The next night, after dinner at around 9:45, I laid down in bed and got very intense period-like cramping in my lower abdomen just above my pubic bone but off the the side. It was very all of a sudden and lasted for about 5 minutes. It started to subside but did not go away completely. I got up to use the restroom at this point, and when I got on the toilet, fresh blood starting coming out. It was like a heavy period. I filled 3 super maxi pads in about 3 hours. We went to labor and delivery as soon as the blood started and the PA on call checked my cervix. She said my cervix was closed and firm but that there was still some remaining blood there which was about an hour or so old. She did an ultrasound and miraculously we saw the baby swimming around, with a HB of 167. The PA said there was no blood in my uterus at all, just the gestational sac and baby.

She said it could have been me passing a subchorionic hemorrhage but she wasn’t sure. The ultrasound the day before did not show any blood/bleeding in my uterus or anything out of the ordinary. I continued to bleed that night though it slowed down significantly after passing a large clot of coagulated blood (size of a golf ball) right when I got home from the hospital.

Hospital said to take it easy and to call my doctor on Monday but gave me no other specific instructions.

Anyone ever dealt with this before? Where there was massive bleeding and cramps but still a heart beat and then the bleeding and cramping went away? I am curious to hear your stories.