

So it's been a rough week . My last period was June 3rd which lasted 4 days as normal. The end of that month I had another period which lasted for 4 days. I had no period in July . I took a test last Tuesday which was the 30th and it said negative. Then this last Tuesday the 6th I took 2 and said Positvd , went in to my OB and they did 2 test and both was positive. That night I had to go to the bathroom constantly and I was told it's normal since my hormone levels were changing. The next day I started with light pink hardly no blood at all but I got scared and went to the ER. They did a pregnancy test and came back Positive . Did a pelvic exam , an ultrasound which wasn't showing anything yet and a lot of blood work. HCG level was 134.9 so they wanted me to come back 48 hours later but told me I was "definently pregnant" . While doing transvaginal ultrasound I started bleeding a little darker and more but they said it was fine. The next day I felt a little cramping in my lower stomach but nothing like period cramping, bleeding got heavier to where I needed a pad around lunch time so I started freaking out and went back to the ER. They did another HCG level testing and it was 97.9 so they said I am miscarrying but to follow up with my Primary. Fast forwarding I did another Hcg level testing friday and won't know until tomorrow and then wednesday I follow up with my OBGYN. But I have heard so many people with period bleeding their whole pregnancy and have a healthy baby or levels went up and down then back up and was fine. Any advice on this ?