drunk fight opinions needed!!

so one night my boyfriend and i were sitting on the deck drinking and awhile ago i had brought up the fact that he only likes pictures of these girls we go to school with in their bikinis i’m not jealous at all however me being very insecure about myself i was like eh. We just dropped it and moved on. He ended up somehow brining up the fact that i had said that, which i was like haha yeah its just something i noticed but then he started naming the girls who’s pictures he liked who he thought was hot. I have no issue with him calling other girls hot but if it’s someone I know and see everyday it kind of hits different. He said “yeah well i don’t have a chance with them so what’s the deal” and i said “so you have a chance with me? is that what you mean” and he said “yeah” at that point we got into a huge fight and he kept saying “their are obviously going to be girls prettier than you” afterwards he said he was sorry and everything and was trying to be all nice to me and hug me and call me pretty but i feel like he shouldn’t have said anything obviously he’s gonna think other girls are hot but it lowkey hurt so bad. I just want to know if i’m in the wrong or not for being upset and should i let it slide cause he was drunk?