Labor signs or normal symptoms?


I'm 33 weeks +3 days. have preeclampsia. baby is measuring almost 2 weeks ahead on weight. shes in the 84th percentile.

the last 3 or so days I've had an increase in discharge. I feel nauseous. mentally my nesting urge has come back (had a big nesting urge 22-25 weeks) but physically it's hard for me to get the energy to clean or organize because my hips hurt all the time and when I get too hot my blood pressure goes up.. at night I feel the baby really low and its extremely painful on my hips and back. I also have a lot of cramping at night. I've also had very soft bowel movements but it's hard to poop because the pressure and it feels almost like I'm constipated.

I never went into spontaneous labor with my first I was induced at 39+6  due to gestational hypertension.