Over reacting?

Last weekend I was hanging with my boyfriends family. Lots of drinking, I was designated driver. Around midnight we are headed home, he’s drunk, playing music and texting. I look over he’s texting his brothers girlfriend, he’s texting her freaky lyrics to a song. I say “yo do you know what your writing, delete that”, he deletes it. I leave it alone but it bothered me through out the week so I bring it up Friday. He completely blew up on me. Called me names, a trouble starter and alot of mean shit. I told him that it made me feel uncomfortable, he said he’s not trying to bang her, I never implied that. He said I was implying that he was cheating, I did not. He said me being up set will drive a wedge between his family. I was uncomfortable with the lateness of the Text and inappropriate nature of the song. He said he’ll text who ever wants when he wants an I need to keep my mouth shut about it. Am I over reacting?

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Posted at
him blowing up most likely means you have something to worry about


Posted at
I would take all of that as a sign that he’s cheating! If he wasn’t cheating he wouldn’t have blown up or started talking crazy about you saying he’s cheating. Also, I would be livid if I saw my husband doing something like that, so you are not wrong for confronting him about it!


Posted at
If you approached him calmly about it, it sounds like he’s overreacting. He’s getting really defensive and there is zero need for him to be inappropriate to her. Nothing about their relationship should be inappropriate.


Posted at
Not at all. Seems odd that he got so defensive. Good luck ❤️


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Nope, you’re not. How pissed off he got is a clear indication there is something going on. Not saying he’s cheating, but maybe he’s into her. Don’t let him gaslight and manipulate you.