I know one is clearly positive - please don’t be mean 💛


Hi ladies good morning (6:30am here in NJ 🤗)

I took the first 3 of these cheapie tests yesterday and the bottom one this morning and see no progression. (10-11dpo)

I was so excited to get up and test again today before I commute to work and I got that super faint - no increase - I was so worried I saved my cup of pee (cute or pathetic? Lmao 😅) and ran to the grocery store for FR tests. I got the one I posted. I know I’m pregnant today but am I likely having a chemical? Why would the cheapies be SO light? Does FR just have such a bright line to get hopes up?

I have a 10 month old and he was blazing positive (on FR) by 8DPO!

I’m dying for a second and last baby with DH but I don’t know what this all is because it’s not like my first experience.

Can anyone please help?

My heart is so happy but my brain is being so cautious. If I just tested on FR and never took these cheapies I think I’d let myself be happy.