My TTC experience


I found out last Wednesday that I’m pregnant! While I was in my fertile window, the thing that helped me the most was reading posts from other women who had gotten pregnant and using their methods, too! So, I wanted to share a little bit of my experience:

DH and I started BDing on CD 11, which wasn’t ideal, but I was returning from a trip out of town without him! We BD on CD 11, 12, 16, 17, and 18. I took a break in the middle for him to build up his sperm count (although we have no reason to believe it isn’t high... he hasn’t ever gotten tested) until I got a high OPK. Turns out, my first high was not my peak, so we continued to BD until I felt ovulation pain and my OPKs began to drop at CD18.

We used pre-seed every time we BD that week, and I even did the silly legs in the air with a pillow under my butt for 20 minutes after BD trick.

I did not temp or take mucinex like some other ladies I read about, but I knew I would get super anxious and stressed out if I incorporated too many things at once.

Maybe TMI, but, after my fertile week, we stopped having sex for a few weeks so the tiny egg could stick well without the convulsing an orgasm causes in the uterus.

I got my first faint positive at 10dpo, but had very little symptoms.

From 7dpo to 11dpo, I had period-like cramps that I just KNEW meant AF was coming, but I am now 15dpo with no signs of her showing up!

At 11dpo I had some pretty severe lower back pain, unlike any I had ever had with AF, and got really nervous, but it only lasted about 45 minutes and has not returned!

At 14dpo, I began having mildly tender breasts and they are looking slightly bigger. I have also been gassy since about 11dpo.

I started getting super bloated at 12dpo, especially after I eat, and my pants are fitting a little snug. Lol.

I am still testing obsessively, because I have not been to the doctor yet, and want to make sure little bean is still there! My lines are slowly but surely getting darker!