Pregnant, miscarriage, or possible cyst?


Okay ladies,

My SO and I had sex the day after glow said I ovulated. That was 2 weeks ago. I told him I was feeling incredibly fertile and we should probably pull out (I don’t use BC) anyways we didn’t.

So my period was supposed to come maybe 4 days ago. It was late. I took a pregnancy test, it came back negative but was still under the 2 week mark. I went out drinking naturally and small celebration and 2 days later “started my period.” This isn’t like my other periods it’s heavy blood clots and it’s almost like uterine clear mucus attached to some blood then heavy heavy blood clots. Before I took the test I was sure I was pregnant, I was feeling a tad nauseous and I never am and also incredibly sluggish. I know some of you are like, this is all too short a span well a week before my ovulation we also had unprotected sex where he also came in me so could be anytime in the last month. Anyways I’m having a lot of cramping and my period is not at all like my normal flow and my nipples are kinda puffy and breasts a little tinder. I’m re-testing in two days if the weird stuff continues. I also have PCOS and it could be a cyst passing but the other 3 I had did not feel like this either.. so thoughts?