Weight gain between appointments


I’m 28 weeks and just had my appointment today. Every appointment up until today my weight gain has been between 3-5lbs. Today when i went for my check up my OB asked if i changed my diet at all and I told her no it’s been the same since the morning sickness wore off at 9 weeks. She told me between last check up and today I’ve gained 8.5lbs. I was shocked! And so was she. I’m a nurse so my job is very active, and on my days off i take a mile walk with my dog but I’m always moving. I got a little upset with how she came off about it because Ive struggled with body image and my weight for a very long time. She told me we will see what i weigh next appointment because it could just be my baby had a big growth spurt, which i honestly think is true because i feel like sometimes i grew over night.

Has anyone had this happen to them??? I think this puts me at a 20lbs weight gain total. Just looking for some reassurance and not trying to feel so down about it.

No negative comments plz!