Zofran ...who has experience ???


Hi everyone. So Iam 26 weeks and still throwing up like 1-2 times a day. I have been tasking Zofran since week 11 and my dr has given the ok , I try not to freak myself out and google too much but now I am freaked out because I keep reaching the dangers of Zofran for pregnant woman . The only reason I stated it is because I fainted from throwing up so much that the dr at the ER gave it to me and my nurse practitioners and deliver dr haven’t said anything. Should I be worried or am I googling too much??? Has anyone used this medication and their baby cone out fine, I have done my anatomy scan already and no concerns . Idk I am freaked out


Thank you so much everyone for responding !!! It really helps. I have my appt today so hope all keeps going well. I think I am just over thinking everything and the lack of sleep doesn’t help