Fear of dying

I have this really weird fear of dying in labor. I’m 33 years old and struggled to get pregnant. I am scheduled for an induction on Wednesday and I can’t stop thinking about all the what if’s. To top it my husband asked me if people still die in labor, why is he thinking of this too? So we had the conversation of what my wishes are if I did pass. Feeling major anxiety!

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Its normal to feel this way, just know that nowadays it's very rare and "usually" if it ever does happen its because of negligence by the hospital or because you have a high risk condition you already may have. I wouldn't worry about this at all especially if you've had a normal pregnancy. I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension not to long ago and I'm constantly worried about dying, after the baby is born my risk of death increases and it's scary. I have faith in my medical team and convinced myself that everything will be fine. I did go get life insurance however just to ease my mind, I know that if anything happened my family will be well off. I think people who had a hard time conceiving have increased anxiety about this because they feel like it's to good to be true which may be your case. Good luck, dont stress you got this!