Confused! Please help!


So I did post on here on Friday that I miscarried that morning. I had passed a clot the size of a silver dollar that was somewhat crescent shaped that looked like a clot you’d pass with your period and there was a decent amount of blood as well. Well after seeing my doctor they said it could be something else but I mostly likely did miscarry just based on how early into pregnancy I am. So with that on Friday they did a blood test for my hcg levels. They called me Later that day and said my level was where it should be for how far along I am and then they test again today but my results didn’t come in before they closed today so I have to wait for my appointment tomorrow afternoon. My anxiety is through the roof and I am just going nuts having to wait. I know I need to relax and calm down but it’s so hard. I’m a ball of emotions and I don’t know how to feel. I’m so confused. Has any one been through this or have any advice on how I could possible calm down.