Boy advice

I need advice ladies.

So about a year ago my bf and I broke up. It was super painful for both of it but it needed to happen.

We stayed friends. I see him once or twice a week more weeks and while we don’t get deep in discussion because we don’t really have the time to it is nice to still be close.

I won’t lie and say staying friends has been easy.

My issue right now is I still love him. And I want to tell him I still love him. I know he has a lot going on in his life right now and getting back together seems stupid because we will end right back where we are now. But, not telling him is destroying me inside. I am so scared though that if I say something I will destroy what we have and I will ultimately lose someone I consider a best friend and I do not want to lose him.

As far as I know neither of us have made any real attempt to find other people and when I asked him to be my plus one he quickly and happily agreed. (We didn’t attend anything formal when we dated). I feel like after the breakup I got a lot of mixed signals from him and I think that is why I struggled to move on.

Plus, he said the worst thing you could tell anyone at a breakup. “Who knows. Maybe down the line we could get back together, a year, 5 years, 10 years. I wont’t wait forever but I need to know if saying something would be the best or

should I continue to hide my feelings? What have you ladies done in this situation? Did it work for you?

We also have never talked about getting back together or how we feel about each other since the breakup. We both know we care for the other still but that is it.

Thanks in advance!