My Turn!
Birth Story
Arrived at the hospital Sunday August 11 at noon for induction 40+3. Cervix was 3cm, 60% thinned. Started cervidil at 1:15 pm. I tried to sleep earlier in the night since I knew we would be starting pitocin and I would be laboring through the early morning. I maybe slept for 15 minutes around 10:00 pm. Contractions really started to pick up around 10:30 and continued. Right around this time I also started to feel like I needed to go #2. I was scared to push too hard because I’ve been constipated the last few days and didn’t want to push the cervidil out. I kept trying but it wasn’t happening. Cervidil came out at 1:15 am and I was still 3cm but almost fully thinned. I had to wait an hour before we could start the pitocin. After the cervidil came out the contractions really picked up, same intensity as they had been but definitely regular every few minutes. Started pitocin at 2:30 am and I continued to labor naturally. I was letting my husband sleep but around 3:00 I had been having the intense contractions for a few hours at this point and told his ass he needed to get up, lol. I continued to labor and tried the bathroom again. I felt like my contractions were more intense because I had to poo. At 4:00am I asked for an enema...oh my gosh! That was wild. Never had one before but man it worked! When I asked for the enema I also asked for the epidural. I had planned on trying natural but at this point I was tired from no sleep and just sore all over. The anesthesiologist came in around 4:45 am to start the process of the epidural. I was having intense contractions every 2 minutes and he had to keep stopping. He had the needle in and was getting ready to place the tubing. He said “let me know if you feel something weird” and right when he said that I felt a pop/snap and I said “OH!” He said “oh what, you really shouldn’t have felt anything weird...” I looked up at the nurse and she’s looking back and forth between him and I with wide eyes. I’m thinking omg did this man just snap my spine what the heck is happening!?! Then it dawned on me and I said “OH! Did my water break!?!” And right as I said that the gushing started. The anesthesiologist said “Well I didn’t cause that but that’s the first time anyone’s water has ever broken while I was working on them in my 28 years, I will always remember this one”. Once my epidural was placed I was able to sleep 5:30-7:30ish. My dr came and checked me around 9:30 and I was 5cm and 90% thin! I was feeling pressure in my back at 10:30 and then nurse checked me again and I was 7cm and still about 90%. Things slowed down a bit from there. Her heart rate kept dropping and doc didn’t like the readings so she had the pitocin turned off for an hour. Contractions slowed down a bit but when checked at 2:30, I was 8cm! This continued on for multiple more hours. I was having horrible horrible back pain and feeling the need to push. We went back and forth for hours, start the pitocin, she would engage, heart rate would drop, stop the pitocin, she would ascend back up. This whole time I was feeling the pressure to push. I was also vomiting. We triple dosed the epidural at one point and that finally helped with the back pain. Since my water had been broken for so long I was running a 101 degree fever so they also pushed antibiotics. The last 8 hours of labor were honestly the worst. When I progressed so fast in the beginning I for sure thought she would be here sooner but then everything went haywire. At around 7pm, I was finally fully thinned but not quite 10cm. Dr had my push while she stretched me and got me to 10 after 3 practice pushes. I started the real pushing around 7:30 and she was here by 8:37! My fever was still around the 100s last night but is back stable today. Baby is doing great!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.