25/26 hour HCG doubling time.... what are your betas? Is this okay??


So I know.... I know... HCG cannot determine multiples, but I’m anxious because I had chemicals and an ectopic.... just want a sticky bean, and I am nervous.

To start, I definitely had my first positive at only 7dpo! I know bc I chart my bbt and had a thermal shift and had peak OPKs. I got a positive digital at 8dpo. Then they did blood draws....

8 dpo: HCG 18; Progesterone 15.6

10 dpo: HCG 67; Progesterone 31.4

12 dpo: HCG 239.9 Progesterone 23.3

So that is a 25 hour to a 26 hour doubling time... so I guess my question is, has anyone had the same and had a healthy Singleton? Or did you have twins? I’m just looking for Betas... thanks!! I need my 🌈.

Also... background on me... I have long cycles and barely ovulate. Wondering if my chemical made me ultra fertile... and I hyperOvulated. Im also going to be 36 this Sunday.... not sure if that makes this more normal for my age? I attached part of my bbt chart too.