So very confused

Ronnie • Nurse Mom to a little boy Baby #2 on the way
So Saturday was my last day of spotting, or very weird period, not too sure what it was. It lasted 6 days often going from brown to light red/pink to brown. It was only ever when I wiped, except for like 3 times where it actually reached a panty liner. Sunday and monday I got super "sick". I had migraines both days and even vomited on one day. I just felt terrible. I have no patience and took a test and got bfn. I read that I should wait at least a week to test so there's that. Well today, my bbs feel, different. I have slight cramping, but it feels like pressure and warm sensation... Idk how else to explain it. I'm still bloated and have been crazy exhausted, like I can't make it through my shift without closing my eyes and it's just for 4 hours. As soon as I get home I sleep for 2 hours. I get about 7-8 hrs of sleep a night. Was it my period that I got or implantation bleeding or could it be something else entirely wrong with me... Help!!! 😔