Accuracy of NT scan?

My first ultrasounds at 6 &8 weeks were done at a private ultrasound clinic. My OB wasn’t happy with them for whatever reason but they ended up being a week off from my due date. Anyways, my last ultrasound was scheduled at 13w 2d and one of my twins had an abnormal NT reading of 3.4mm. Turns out I was actually 14w 2d... My OB called me with concerns and said that the technician thinks I’m further along than my other scans said I was and that I was over 14weeks when she scanned me. She’s sending me for further genetic testing and I thought she said that my one twin has a 25% chance of not having downs, turners or cardiac problems... I don’t see her until next Monday to clarify whether or not my true date was taken into account or not with these findings. Any thoughts?