They say you find out who your SO really is when you get pregnant...

And he has only been the most caring, loving, understanding person I know.

The last week has been kicking my ass. I have been miserable, especially at night. Between the heart burn, the kicks to the ribs, the frequent trips to the bathroom, and the discomfort that comes with being a few short weeks away from giving birth...He’s been so caring 😭

Last night, what I thought was gonna be a quick bathroom trip to pee turned out to be a puking session as well 🙄 I crawled back into bed as quietly as I could, and he rolls over and asks “Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?” I told him I got sick, and I was in a lot of pain. He cuddled up behind me and rubbed my stomach and said “I just want you to know you are doing something amazing right now. You’ll get through this. You’ll be okay. You’re so strong.” And lightly kissed me as he hummed our song.

Like, someone give this man a damn award lol. He is so excited to be a dad, and I can’t wait to watch him care for our son ❤️ Our son really is going to be a lucky little dude to have such an amazing man to look up to