Just not happy anymore.

My husband and I have been married a year, and all together we’ve been together 4 years. We have a daughter together and I’m pregnant with our second baby. For awhile now I’ve been extremely unhappy. Like to the point of not wanting to be with him anymore. We barely talk to each other and when we do he just annoys me so bad. I can’t even stand to look at him without feeling disgusted. He is bipolar so he’s very moody and snaps really quickly. He can be so hateful towards me. Which I’m not gonna lie, I’m not always the nicest to him either. I just truly feel like I want a divorce. I have tried a few times to leave him but it never lasts. I always feel bad for him and he manipulates me into coming back home. I’m just stuck on want to do. I’m so tired of being depressed and miserable. But I’d also hate for our children to grow up in a “broken home”. I really need some advice. 😭

I also would like to add, this pregnancy was not planned AT ALL. Was a huge surprise. I’m obviously happy and will love this child, but it makes things a lot harder to leave.

Edit: also we rarely have sex anymore (my choice) because I just can’t stand him. When we do have sex, I just lay there and cry. I’ve never been this unhappy before.

Edit: I felt like this before I got pregnant. And I have thought about counseling but then I feel like it won’t work. He always makes me out to be the bad guy with everyone.