He lost his head somewhere

Last Friday my bf came home from work and for some reason was so upset he bashed my head to the floor and strangled me. Luckily I was able to call the police I guess after he was done beating me... he never did anything like this before. (we weren’t arguing) The police came and arrested him. Surprisingly they wouldn’t charge him with anything for the assault... now, we live together & he just got out today. I called his parents to let them know what happened they immediately sympathized with me and told me I was like a daughter to them and is extremely disappointed in him. In my situation I have nowhere else to go. I didn’t have to beg them for anything, but they said I could stay at the apartment and Aaron would stay over there. It’s such I big relief. I just applied to a new place. Wish me luck ✨✨✨

He apologized to me and doesn’t want me to leave. I don’t do domestic abuse hun sorry not sorry. I’m so happy to move on with my life. If anybody struggles like I am have faith and be strong. Also don’t tell him you plan on leaving... I didn’t.