Is this rude?

Before going to college I was added to a group chat with a bunch of freshman to get to know each other. I added a bunch of people on social media and began getting to know people. A guy messaged me and he was nice, we were talking and he was complimenting me and it just seemed friendly. Within a few hours he was asking if I would ever date him, I made it known I don’t want a relationship and don’t want anything with him. He proceeded to ask me to his prom in a DIFFERENT state, then got mad when I declined. He asked what part of campus I was living on and not thinking much of it, I told him the building and he then CHOSE HIS HOUSING OFF MINE. I began feeling uncomfortable and let him know, regardless he would still comment on my posts and try to pursue something so I blocked him. A few months later I unblocked him because I figured he got the hint, he refollowed me but didn’t contact me. I began seeing a different guy earlier in the year and after a rough patch decided to take some posts down just because I didnt know where we stood. The guy who refollowed me messaged me “oh so did you and that guy break up?” And I just found it rude and nosey? Especially since I’m not close or talk to him at all, and the past history with him makes it weird to ask?

I understand I kinda brought it upon myself deleting pictures but is it rude to ask someone that you haven’t talked to?

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