F.I.L rant

Tiffany • 💕Mommy 06/13/18 ❤️ baby #2 due March 2020! taken 10/28/16😍 boy momma🥰 C-section momma💪🏻

My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for 9 years, his father make it clear he doesn’t like me, and has went as far to tell me what I am and am not aloud to name my child (still named him what I want) and the name I chose if my son would have been a girl was a (racist word) and now he’s telling me I’m not aloud to discipline my child. My boyfriend says NOTHING to his dad, and it causes fights, I feel like I’m constantly fighting and defending myself from his dad, and now I’m 8 weeks pregnant with my second child and his dads already demanding I allow him at the hospital and honestly I don’t want him there. How do I approach this with my boyfriend?