Coworker (who I sit right next to at work) is anti-vaccine and refuses to get flu shot. Thoughts?


I am decently good friends with her. She has a very abrasive and aggressive personality though and is quite argumentative with people about any kind of vaccination topic. (We work in a doctors office mind you and she is a nurse, so the topic of vaccines comes up a lot). I completely respect her right to have her own opinions and do what is best for her and her family, even if I don’t agree with it.

My question for you guys — as we head into flu season, do you think I should be concerned about sitting in such close proximity to her 40 hours a week? During pregnancy, our immune systems are weakened and then on top of that, we work in a doctors office so the risk of being exposed to the flu is even higher. If she isn’t vaccinated, she may be at higher risk of passing it on to those near her (I.e me). I know even if she did get vaccinated there is still the risk of passing it on since it is no where close to being 100% effective.

I feel like I should do everything in my power to protect myself during the pregnancy. There is the option to move desks to another part of the clinic but knowing her, I anticipate that she would not react well to this and make it a big deal.

Ultimately, I do think I am going to ask to move seats knowing that it will likely impact our friendship (again as I said earlier she is very very abrasive and I’ve witnessed her getting in heated debates with people who disagree with her) but I need to do what’s best for me and the baby. Just the way she does what she believes is best and for her children.

Thoughts? Appreciate your thoughts and your kindness in your responses. I’m not trying to start a debate about vaccines.