My baby girls came early....27 + 1 weeks


So over the weekend i was in the hospital for contractions and was released Tuesday night August 13th with hopes they would stay in until 30+ weeks since i was only 1.5 cm dilated plus my cervix was super thick still.

So we got home and i took the best shower ever avoiding my belly as much as possible. Went to bed with very slight contractions that i decided to ignore due to them barley being strong at all.

Woke up around 8-9 am Wednesday morning August 14th feeling like i need to go poo (tmi sorry) so i did with no issues or struggle. Went to lay back down and my daughter(1 year and 8 months) came and cuddled with my belly and was kissing it all over and well as my son(2 years and 6 months).

About 9:30am i started getting really painful contractions so i started timing them about 10 am and boy were they bad enough i could hardly breath. So i got in the shower around 10:40ish to try and help while hubby went to get his aunt to watch the kids and back a quick bag so i could go get checked out at the hospital.

Sure enough about 10:50 i could feel something coming out of me in the shower and i yelled for hubby to call 911 asap. He called for his aunt to grab the kids and he came back into the bathroom where i was on the phone with 911. At this point Baby A was breech but the sac didnt break until she was halfway out then pretty much slid out at that point. Emt arrived about 10-15 minutes later and clamped and cut the cord and sent Baby A on her way to the helicopter since the hospital was a hour away and she had slight breathing issues.

They got me in the ambulance and had to drive the whole way to the same hospital since Baby B wasnt being delivered or crowning yet. Thankfully she stayed in long enough for them to find out she was breech as well. They attempted to flip her around but no luck unfortunately so it was emergency c section time. Baby B was born at 1:28pm.

Baby Girl B (under blue light) Amanda Reneé , 2 pounds, 14.3 inches long

Baby Girl A (no blue light) Scarlett Dawn, 2.4 pounds, 14.5 inches long

It will be a long recovery for them so please if you could pray for my sweet angles that would be amazing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖