Where do y’all work?



What do my fellow stoner ladies do for a living?

I’m a student. I’m a social work major but i’m applying to several nursing programs as I want a major change. Still, if i become a nurse i’ll no longer be able to smoke pot. and that’s a deciding factor for me when it comes to what i want to do for the rest of my life lol. do you work a career that allows you to smoke pot outside of work (no drug tests for mj or just in general)? what do you do? do you enjoy it? do you think whether or not i’ll be able to smoke pot is a stupid reason to not pursue a career? i personally don’t lol.

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I work in a daycare. I do not smoke before work I only smoke when I get off work. When I started they told me that they do not drug test unless they have reason to believe someone is on drugs while at work. They said they didn’t care what you did while you were on your own time but they did not allow it while at work. I live in Texas so it’s very illegal, but because I don’t smoke before work I’ve never had an issue. There was a couple girls I work with who would go and smoke on their lunch break and our boss suspected it and they got drug tested and failed and we’re fired immediately.


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I don't really think a job can keep someone from doing drugs. I've known too many addicts, lol.They use pee like mine to prove they're clean. (I only smoke occasionally, last time was over a month ago.)I work a job where they drug test when you get hired, and after that they forget you exist. One of my coworkers sells weed. And it's not a job you'd think people would be smokers, we have to say we've never smoked to get the job. I've smoked with my boss a lot & a group of coworkers. I knew someone in pharmacy who smoked and did TONS of drugs. A lot of people in pharmacy careers do drugs. All the kids that used to grow mushrooms in their basement work at the local pharmacy now, lol.So, why couldn't you be a nurse and smoke?? Do they actually test??


Whitney • Aug 18, 2019
I’ve worked in a hospital since I became a nurse.


mr • Aug 17, 2019
Wow, that’s kind of amazing! Haha what state do you live in? Do you work in an office, hospital or are you in home health? I’m really passionate about becoming a nurse and if it came down to choosing between weed and nursing I’d obviously choose to be a nurse lol. Just curious of your experience. I’ll probably only smoke when I’m on vacation lol


Whitney • Aug 17, 2019
I’m a nurse and I’ve never been drug tested outside of when I first got my job 10 years ago.


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I’m a service writer/ assistant manager for a farm equipment dealership. Basically I get to boss around a bunch of men lol We also sell 4 wheelers, side by sides and snowmobiles. I never saw myself doing this sort of job but I’m good at it and I do kind of enjoy it. The pay is alright for my small town. My husband stays at home and watches the kids and he blows glass on the side ( he was ft blowing glass until our 1 year old was born) Im a daily smoker and don’t smoke until I get home.


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I’m a Graphic designer. Most jobs still test when applying but I just stop smoking if I’m applying for jobs. (Which I haven’t in 3 years) my job doesn’t really surprise test. My bf is a leasing consultant & almost everyone he works with also smokes. Also no surprise tests. My friends who smoke are either programmers, web developers, writers, event planners, own their own businesses, are in construction, or even a couple who are accountants.


M • Aug 15, 2019
Of course we don’t smoke while on the job though. Everyone I know just does it outside of work.


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I work at a panera. I'm only 17 but they didn't drug test me and they don't test for managers either


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I was a painter for almost a decade before I had my son, I'm taking some time off before I go back. I love my job, good money, great guys on my crew, new people and places every day. We also paint Dollar Generals so I get to travel a lot. Even better that we get to smoke all day 😁


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I am a warehouse manager at an infection control company. I am attend school for my Real Estate license


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Lisenced clinical social worker and lisenced psychologist. I'm in private practice and I own a mental heath agency.


Sarah • Sep 10, 2019
Feel free to message me! Happy to help :)


mr • Sep 10, 2019
that’s really interesting! i would love to talk to you more about that being that i’m currently enrolled in a BSW program now! i’m trying to decide between my BSW and BSN. the amount of questions i have about becoming a LCSW would fill up Glow’s comment section 😂😂


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I manage a tattoo shop and pierce all damn day And take care of annoying grown ass men 😬🧘🏽‍♀️


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I'm a customer service rep part time and then I do volunteer lab work at a local medical center since i have a phlebotomy license. Neither are what I want to do long term, I actually would love to work for the NPS or do something involved with environmental preservation and wildlife conservation. I keep thinking about getting my BA online for it. In California.......all my friends smoke. Everyone smokes here, it's actually fairly unusual to meet people who don't medicate. I have a friend in STEM/chemical graduate school who i smoke with, I have friends who work as CSRs like me and smoke, even my friend and cousin who are yoga instructors smoke. My ex also works in a pharmacy and I used to buy weed off him lol. Same in Colorado, my bff out there is studying to be an RN and she takes edibles.