There i sat, heart in my butthole.


I had my first ultrasound today. Ultrasound tech was nice but not talkative. She pulled up my baby and told me there was a strong heartbeat of 181.

But then i look up again and she's printing me off a second photo.

My heart immediately dumps itself directly into my butt hole. I stop breathing and look at her...

"Baby 1" and "Baby 2" we're handed to me.

Struggling to breathe i manage, "there's two?!"

A look of confusion runs across her face for a second, "Oh sorry, no. There's just one. I label them that way so i can keep the pictures in order"

Breathing in for maybe the first time, "maybe you should label them "photo 1" and "photo 2" from now on because i think i have to change my underwear now"

We were both honestly laughing by this time and i am very much thankful to be having ONE healthy little boy this March.