14 weeks today and soo depressed and have anxiety

Soo I'm 18 and my whole life I've had major depression disorder and anxiety disorder plus I suffer from frequent panic attacks. Well when I was younger it was so had I'd always get neg thoughts about myself and others even tho I'd never hurt myself or others obviously. Well fast forward to snoit 2 years ago I finally got in a amazing space I got off of all meds and have been feeling pretty amazing with only a few panic attacks maybe once every 3 month and only a few neg thoughts about myself I'd shake off and be great! Well now I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I feel I'm relapsing I'm sad I cry all night and have panic attacks and sad thought but during the day I'm great? Idk I spoke to my obgyn and she just keeps telling me to walk and do yoga but that doesnt work lol I've been like this my whole life so this isn't new to me just sucks it had to come up whole I'm pregnant:(