Feeling crushed

I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My doctor sent me to a diabetic educator to help me get a diet plan in place and just to have some extra support. I mentioned to the educator/NP that my bf and I have been trying for a year now to conceive and been unsuccessful. She told me that my diabetes combined with my APS means that even if "by some miracle" I do get pregnant then my baby would just die in the first few weeks anyways, so why bother even TTC. I walked in to that clinic to get help to get my condition under control and walked out feeling completely crushed and as if the people who were supposed to help me just blew me off. How can someone be so insensitive to other people like that?! I've already suffered 3 miscarriages as a teen and now I've been fighting so hard to get pregnant it feels like it's all been for nothing.