Has anyone been successful

With a VBAC after 2 csection

With my first my water broke earlier then my body wanted I was induced and was in labor for 38 hr and only dilated to a 5 so they needed to do a csection. I tried not to get an epidural as long as I could but they kept asking me and begging me because they wanted me to get rest, which I still didn’t get. Anyway with my second my ob didn’t offer VBACs and the doc they referred me to was to far so I had another csection... this time around I live in a different state ima call around and see if anyone does them but first I wanna know other people’s experience. Ima have three kids to take care of I think a csection recovery with 3 kids would really suck ! New born 1 year old almost 2 and a 3 year old plus iv always wanted to experience natural birth