Due in 2 days



So, I’m due in 2 days and it’s currently 4am I have been awake since 130 and so over it. I want the baby to come when he/she is ready but i honestly think I’m going into a depression waiting. I feel like I can’t go anywhere or do anything, I live in a really small town and there’s nothing much to do unless you go out of town and the closest place is over an hour away. I feel like if I go then that’s when I’ll go into labor.

My boyfriend is always busy working and stuff so I feel like I’m always at home alone and the walls are closing in. I tried asking my dr at the beginning of the week to induce me come my due date because all the pain I’ve been in and being uncomfortable but he brushed it off as if he didn’t care. He was suppose to check if I’m dilating also and decided during my apt he wasn’t going to.. Sometimes I just sit here and cry and I don’t know how to get out of this slump besides having the baby here. Am I the only one that feels this way?

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I wish I had some advice but literally same here. Trying to get my husband and doctor to understand how much pain and discomfort I have is impossible, and I’m only 38+2. Not dilated at all but I had to beg the nurse to check last week. I was almost in tears at my appointment asking for help sleeping and with pain and they laughed at me and told me to take half a melatonin and Tylenol. Currently in the bath at 530 am because I’ve been up all night too. Wish we could hang out together girl and bitch about this!!


Ab • Aug 17, 2019
That’s my plan too! At this point idgaf how much an induction hurts lol I just can’t do it anymore. Good luck!!


Lisa • Aug 17, 2019
I agree!! It’s horrible I feel your pain girl my boyfriend laughs at me sometimes and when I ask what’s so funny he says the fact that my face says I’m over it. I’m probably going to bust out the water works at my next apt and beg the dr to induce me lol hope things get better for you!


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