Please don’t feel like you can’t announce your loss here 💔


I’m seeing a lot of posts from women saying how upset they are that others are posting when they lose their babies, etc. Just a quick reminder that we are ALL in this together.

I understand you (we) get scared whenever we read someone in the group had a loss. I get it. I had a miscarriage in March, so maybe my outlook on this is a bit different. Instead of becoming upset and scared when I read the post, my heart breaks for that woman. I immediately start praying for their recovery, for strength, for love to surround them because that’s what they need. I am grieving with them because I know what they’re feeling. The last thing I needed after my loss in March was someone telling me, “Hey. Do you mind not telling me about your miscarriage? I’m currently pregnant and don’t want to get scared.” I mean, you’re scared? Some of these women are going through the darkest time of their lives and need support, not feel shamed.

Hard facts: 1 in 4 women miscarry. That’s a big number. 1. In. 4. Miscarriage isn’t as uncommon as people think, but it seems uncommon because of comments like the ones I’m seeing. Women don’t feel comfortable talking about their baby loss because they don’t want to upset other people, so they hide it, hide all the feelings, bottle it up, cry themselves to sleep at night, feel like they have no one there for them.

Miscarriage is a real fear. I get that. I’ve gone through that. I’ve lived that. I’m STILL grieving the loss of my baby and will forever. I’m 8 weeks now and the fear isn’t going to go away until they’re in my arms (then you have a whole other list of things to fear).

All I’m asking is that we show a little compassion. My heart breaks when these women come on here to let us know they’ll be leaving us. Most of them have been with us since that first BFP where we all celebrated together. We spoke of our fears, concerns, hcg levels, symptoms, doc visits, ultrasounds, future plans, etc. Some of us have built relationships with each other. So, to you in may just be some random person on the board, but to some of us, that’s someone we have been walking through all of this with.

Once again, I’m not trying to downplay anyone’s fear. I understand that and you’re COMPLETELY valid in your fear. Just please think of how broken hearted these women are and how they need support and open arms. Here’s to happy and healthy pregnancies and births for all of us ❤️