Feeling like a lunatic on Junel BC pills


I used to be on Microgestin and was on that for about 6 years before getting off of it because of increased depression, anxiety, irritability, low sex drive etc. I was great for almost 2 years (using this app and checking the percentages of high fertility days) until one day we did the deed without checking and sure as shit it was a 33% chance of getting pregnant and BOOM here we are 5 mo this later with a beautiful baby girl. So my insurance doesn’t cover Microgestin anymore and yes I would be willing to go back on it because the side affects didn’t come until years later. I’ve been on Junel for a month and a half and had my first period on time, I’m not due for another 2 weeks and have my period again. I take the pill same time everyday and have yet to miss one. My moods have been RAGING I e just been so down for no reason, anxious, and no desire to even be touched. I am so irritated with everyone and anything and I called to switch BC because I know this is causing me to feel how I feel. And why the fuck am I getting my period when I have 2 more weeks?!? I really do t want an IUD it’s just my personal choice so any other options or opinions I’d greatly appreciate it !