She’s finally here!!! Birth Story ❤️


First of all, to all the people who say second time labors are faster are complete liars!! This little lady really gave me a run for the money! Finally started having contractions after a sweep that finally started regulating/ getting stronger and I started timing them around 1:30 am. About 5 am ( and 41 weeks pregnant) things really seemed to have picked up and we made our way to the hospital, mostly due to me being Strep B positive. I wanted to be sure I got the antibiotics needed prior to her arrival. We arrived at the hospital around 7am. Had my first round of penicillin and had a horrible reaction due to the dose being so high! It felt like someone had broken my elbow and I got really hot and felt like I was going to puke. Thankfully, they stopped the drip and slowed it down and I was good to go! At my appointment prior to the sweep I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced. When I arrived at the hospital I was 4cm and 80%. After I had my first dose, they came in to check me and things really didn’t change much, so they decided to break my water to get things moving. After about 4 hours, I only progressed to about a 5 and my contractions slowed. Which was totally frustrating and discouraging. Especially since there was 2 first time moms laboring at the same time (all had theirs before me 😫). The decision was then made to start pitocin to get things moving again. Which was terrifying mind you since I decided to not have an epidural unless absolutely necessary. Things got intense very quickly! Not even an hour had passed and I felt the urge to push... its like I had absolutely no control of my body. My midwife was in the middle of finishing up delivering the baby in the room next door. The nurse rang for her and she came in just in time! She checked me with my next contraction, and sure enough I was fully dilated and ready! She had me push right then, and within 4 minutes and 4 pushes this little one shot right out! I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved in my life.

So with all that being said, Happy Birthday little miss Gavynn Marie O’Brien, I’m absolutely in love with all 8lbs 14.4oz and 21 inches of you! My chunky monkey ❤️

To all the mamas still waiting to meet their little ones, I’m praying for ya!