Testing ? Pictures attached

Amber • Wife to Micah 💑 • Stepmom to A 💙 (7) • Mommy to J 💙 (4) • Mommy to A 💗 (1) • NICU mommy to M (32 weeks gestation)

It’s been 8 days since my premie was born at 31w 5d . At birth they took my placenta for testing, took cord blood and cord tissue .

Attached is the pictures of what I see on my chart for results . I was never told and don’t see anything on my chart if they took meconium. We are in the nicu currently .

With these results and nothing having been said to me do you think we are in the clear ? I’m unsure how long it takes for possible testing to come back . Could they still be waiting on results ? I have at least 2 more weeks in the nicu and would like to not stress anymore then I am. So hoping I’m in the clear .