Lots of issues. 😖❌


So, if you stick through this story, thank you ❤️ I’m having problems in life right now and it’s getting too much to take. My boyfriend and I are stressed out about moving in together, (the actual moving and packing part.) so we’ve been short with one another. My job is EVER SO SLOWLY giving me full time, and I have a ton of bills to pay by the end of the month, including the 1st months rent. We’re set to move in Sept. 1st. Our sex life is lacking just because we havent had time to get together. Not that I actually enjoy myself. Which is another problem, he gets off every time, and I mean sometimes it’s fun, but I never climax. Ever. I’m at a point where it’s just a chore and I only do it to make him happy, so I can go to bed sooner. He has tried to figure out what makes me go, but he’s too hard, too rough, and when I exhibit even slight pleasure, HE SPEEDS UP AND KILLS THE CLIMbAX.

Ive got so much shit on my plate, I don’t mean to be so upset with him but 😭 life sucks so bad right now. Money issues. Sex issues. Time issues. I just want August to be over. Any advice?