
Kylie • TTC our rainbow baby 🌈💕🙏🏼


When I was 19 years old I was diagnosed with stage 2 endometriosis and PCOS. During the procedure they also found multiple tumors and cysts on my uterus. I’m always in pain. I have talked to my doctor about a hysterectomy before because I have endometriosis. I always have some type of pain it hasn’t been as bad that past 2 months but the periods have been awful week 1 ovulate week 2 period week 3 ovulate week 4 period and so on and so forth short luteal phase I get it. My doctor has said he will do the procedure if I absolutely want(but he will fight me on it first). After a long talk with my Dear husband he has said that he would be fine with it and that we could adopt we have spoken about buying a house within a year and then adopting 2-3 children. I’m 24 he is almost 26 what would you do. We have been trying for 2 years with no pregnancies and we just don’t think fertility treatments for the positivity of getting pregnant are with the money when we could take that money and spend it on an adopted child. We both want biological children but at what cost? How much pain will I have to endure just to get to the possibility of children? Sometimes when I stand up I can feel stuff inside ripping a apart I have family member with endometriosis who have conceived but each case is different and it didn’t take them longer than a year to get pregnant. I’m just unsure what to do.

I should also add every birth control they have tried me on has had an opposite reaction (IE: supposed to stop my cycle for 3 months I have it until I stop the meds, Supposed to regulate it and I have my cycle once a month and I have it for 3 weeks then off a week then starts back up) I can’t talk to my family about this because they were dead set against the procedure to diagnose my endometriosis I highly doubt they would be okay with me taking away my ability to have children. It’s a big decision. My appointment is Friday.

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