What do you think ??


Hey ladies I think I might have endo but I’m not sure , it’s sounds about right when I read the symptoms like extremely painful cramps when I’m on my period pain during sex and for some reason I’ve been spotting on the condom after we take it off we’ve noticed some small blood spots , but I don’t bleed or spot on my underwear , ONLY when I’m in the middle of my period which I’m not right now (we had sex this morning and the spotted condom happened again) . I will be having a conversation with someone and out of no where I will get a shooting pain straight up my uterus and I have to bend over to try and ease the pain it last for about 30 seconds but it hurts like a mother fucker. If anyone that does have endo can tell me if they think I might have it or not I’d appreciate it 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼