Just reassure me please........

My husband and I stopped using condoms about 3 months ago and ventured into a bit of “not not trying” land, where he was still pulling out but we were not using protection, we aren’t “trying” for a baby but we’re ok if it happens.

Honestly, I kind of expected it to just happen. Like, I’ve been super careful with condoms my whole life and now suddenly we stopped using them and I’m 22 so my fertility should be pretty high, I get regular periods and everything, and I was like sure I was going to get pregnant right away even with pullout.

Well, I’m not pregnant yet. I mean, we’re still not even at the point where we’re ready to actively try yet. But the fact that I’m not pregnant after this is making me so anxious that something is wrong...... we’re young, we’re having unprotected sex during my fertile window....... why am I NOT pregnant? I mean, I guess either pullout method works better than I thought, or we’re going to have trouble getting pregnant when we start trying.

I am SO anxious, that we’re going to have trouble getting pregnant when we start trying 😓 please reassure me that the fact that I’m not pregnant yet doesn’t indicate that we’re going to have trouble once he stops pulling out.......