Measuring ahead...


I’m going to start this post by saying I’m a plus sized mom-to-be. I’ve always had a belly but my midwife has said that it isn’t affecting my dates because I had lost over 13lbs my first trimester.

I went for my 26 week check-up today and I measured 29 weeks! My husband was a BIG baby, almost 11lbs and I just found out that my MIL measured 4+ weeks ahead with him almost the entire pregnancy.

I was only 6lb 1oz and I measured normal according to my mom. She had just gained a lot of weight with me. I haven’t really gained anything, only 4.5-6lb back of what I had already lost.

I’m not (that) concerned about the baby size but I did want to try going with pain medications or an epidural.

I’m also concerned about GD but any home testing (my father is diabetic and I used his testing stuff) has been normal or even low.

Has anyone else ever measured ahead and had an average baby? Am I worrying about this for nothing?

Thank you in advance Mommas!