What should I do?

My mom my whole life always called me the ungrateful, rude, mean, cold hearted, bitch one. I’m her only daughter. I’m not a mean person and do a lot for everyone.

Today my older brother cussed me out because I paid him back late (only $20) and I apologized and said I wasn’t trying to avoid him. He stated that his boyfriend was annoyed that it took me longer than I said it would— I again apologized and he told me that I needed to apologize to his boyfriend. I told him that I didn’t need to keep saying sorry especially over $20 and being a couple days late.

My brother then blamed me for his mental state, told me I need to watch what I say, and proceeded to cuss me out via Facebook messenger. All I said was that I didn’t care to know his boyfriend and that I was sorry.

My mom messaged me and said I also needed to watch what I said. They both called me unappreciative and haven’t messaged me since those conversations about an hour ago.

I know my mom will eventually try to make me feel like I’m a bad person and will probably also cuss me out.

I live in a house with my SO and our 2 kids and rarely see my mom anymore due to how much anger and drama she has with everyone in our family. My brother lives out of state and never talks to me unless he asks me for money. Which I give when i have it.

So I’ve just always been the bad guy, always the one that said sorry and bawled my eyes out to everyone. Always took the blame. They always made me question if I was actually a bad person. I’m trying to convince myself otherwise because I don’t do anything wrong. (Not just saying that) I also had a horrible childhood filled with emotional abuse and my whole childhood was my mom breaking me down and controlling me. This only stopped recently when I moved in with my boyfriend.

Should I cut my mom off? I don’t want to but I can’t stand how badly my anxiety kicks when these things happen.

I told my brother that he isn’t the only person with mental issues and stress in their life. And that it isn’t my job to make sure he is ok and that he can’t blame me for his issues.