Dollar Store not so fun anymore


Hey guys so a lot of you know about my last post about the dollar store “scandal”😉but after it happened I told my wife karen that I was going to post it on this account, she told me not to because she felt embarrassed but none of our friends are on here so i just did it anyway. Last night the notifications from that post popped up on my phone and she found out😯She was really angry with me and told me that I had no respect for her or her privacy but like she was the one who wanted to fuck in the candy aisle (am I right). So anyways we got into a big argument and she agreed that she wanted to end things between us. We have been arguing for a while now and we decided to stop our relationship completely. She’s currently staying in a motel right now and I haven’t been able to sleep. Please no nasty comments I really need everyone’s love and support😕

-xoxo carol😘🤫💋❤️